miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2020

My Soundtrack

Hi everyone!
Here I am again with a new project: the importance of music in cinema. From my point of view, this is a very interesting topic, but it seems that some people don't take that into account.

Music is one of the most important elements in a film. When we are watching a movie, half of our attention is focused on what we are seeing, and half of it ,on what we are listening. Apart from special and sound effects, music is the responsible of expressing emotions to spectators, to show us happiness, sadness, suspense... in other words, without music, we wouldn't know how to feel in almost any scene. Without music, a film is anything but a boring video without any emotions. 

It is also very important to know what type of music fits better on each kind of film. For instance, a horror movie wouldn't be as scary as they are without an appropriate music, likewise an action movie would be a bit dull if it wasn't for its music.

And now, after all I have said, I want to talk about one of my favourite film soundtracks. I have lots of favourite soundtracks, not only from films, but also from videogames and anime. I strongly believe that these last two have the best soundtracks when talking about entertainment industry; but when talking about films, my favourite one is, without any doubt, "Married Life", from the film "Up". It may sound funny for some people, as that music comes from a cartoon, but I have to say that there are lots of cartoons that can transmit very intense emotions, and they do it much better than a current movie would. Although I've already grown up, I still love watching my favourite cartoons from my childhood, and Up is my favourite one. That film is amazing, not only because of the great story and its outstanding characters, but also because of its incredible soundtrack. This song matches the film perfectly because, as you are watching it, you can share the protagonists' feelings of living forever happily with the beloved person. But, what I like the most from this song, is the amount of feelings and emotions it can transmit, from happiness and joy, to sadness or even nostalgia. That song can make you imagine what the life of the characters was like. And that's incredible.

I love this music, I love this movie, and I will keep loving it forever.

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